Thursday, 12 December 2013

Font Testing

 This font is simple and easy to read and is used a lot in magazines for articles and interviews. This is because it is very easy for the reader to read instead of having a different font that isn't clear. This font would be suitable for my music magazine as it is a clear font and would be used for a double page spread or an interview. This font would be suitable for my magazine, as i would be able to use it for my double page spread as this font is very clear and the reader would read it because it isn't in a silly font or a unreadable font.

Comic Sans MS.
This font is simple and easy to read, so it wouldn’t be used very much for a music magazine but be used for a gossip or music magazine, which has general information in it. If this font were to be in an R&B music magazine it would be used to outline certain information on the front cover, to make it stand out against the other fonts. I would use this font for my magazine, as it is a clean font and would seem a popular font to use for my target audience.

Lucida Handwriting.
This font is in the style of old fashioned handwriting. It isn’t that easy to read, therefore wouldn’t appear in an R&B music magazine. This font could be used in a double page spread to add the effect if the artist has said something, this could be used to look like they had written it down in the article. I wouldn’t use this font for my magazine because it doesn’t fit in my genre of my magazine or the style of magazine that I would want to produce.

 This font is very spaced out and very simple. It looks like a typewriter font and therefore could be used on a double page spread in a R&B magazine that could have quotations of the article on another page, as that would be effective.My genre of magazine is quite modern and this font would be seen as an old fashioned font, so therefore i wouldn't be using this font in my magazine.

This font is simple and appears to be quite a small font which can sometimes be a problem for the reader. This font would be seen inside of a magazine rather on the front cover or on a contents page. This font wouldn't be suitable for my magazine as it is a smaller font and to fill the page would have to write a lot and people within my age group wouldn't read something with a lot of writing on. This font wouldn't look as nice if the size was any bigger. 

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