Friday, 17 January 2014

Interview Writeup

Hi Lil' B how are you today?
Hey there! I'm doing great thanks, buzzing to be here. hope you're well.

We love your music. But what music genre's are in into right now?
Well I like mixing things up a bit so I like genre's from heavy rock to trance music, just keeping it chill. But then again I love a bit of Crystal Hiam listening to them non stop at the moment! i just cant get enough of them

What you consider collaborating with this artist?
Oh my god I'd love to collab with the them if I ever had the opportunity. We's create some crazy tunes.

What type of song would we expect from you and them?
Well they make quite chilled music, so it would be chilled with a hint of Urban twist. Aka me!

Who have you worked with before that you would love to work with again?
Well I did a song with Miley Mcdonalds, we were both really into creating a different sound so when we came up with the track "The adoring smile of judas" it was surreal to see it all come together and I would love to do that again.

Will that be on your new album?
Well I don't want to reveal to much.... But expect to be surprised with this album and get ready to turn things up!

What shall we expect on your brand new album? will your fans be surprised?
Yes my new album is very cultural with a hint of Indian influence but still sticking with my main style of music.

Whats so different about it?
Well we've got so many new artists featuring on it as well as more base like anthems

What do you consider the most important thing about your music?
Keeping it real and true to myself.

A lot of fans say they 'connect' with you, how?
Well I don't write to relate to people, I write to relate to myself, so obviously my fans are very similar to me.

Is this because your lyrics mean something to you?
My lyrics are literally how I feel about society and world vibes. Literally i will feel an emotion and it will go straight into a song no matter how weird and wild the emotion is.

What goes through your mind when making your videos?
Well when I listen to my music I get a very distinctive image in my head and in my videos i try to show everyone how that certain song makes me feel.

Well we all think they are fabulous.
Thank you so much, I try to be new and inventive with al that I do.
You're welcome! Sadly our interview is coming to the end.
Oh damn I wish this could go on forever.

Will you come back?
Yes I would be my absolute honour

Awesome! well its been a pleasure. Good luck with everything and your new album, we cant wait for it to come out.
Peace,Vibes and Bless *walks out mysteriously*


These are my original pictures that will be used for my music magazine. I have chosen these pictures are the genre of my magazine is 'R&B' and i felt that the style and the position of the model was suitable for my magazine. I decided that the types of clothes that i made the model wear was the type of clothes someone from the 'r&b' genre would wear, for example they would wear unusual patterns and have messy hair.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Question Analysis

Are you male or female?
From the group of people i asked that majority of people were female, with the occasional male candidate. This means that i should aim my music magazine at a more female audience.

How old are you?
For this question i found out from doing the focus group that my target audience should be aimed at the ages of 16 or 17. This means that there is a particular age group i should focus my magazine around and included things that will attract that age group.

What is your favourite R&B magazine and why?
From the group of people i asked i found out that all the people i asked do not have a favourite R&B magazine because there is not a lot of magazines on that genre that people can but in the UK. However the most common magazine that people buy that includes R&B music in NMA magazine which covers a lot of different genres.

What kind of artist would you like to see on the front cover of a magazine?
As the majority of the people i asked were females, i found of that the type of person they would like to see on the front cover of a magazine is someone like Beyonce as she is a role model to a lot of younger girls. However the percentage of boys that i asked would like to see a rap artist such as Eminem. 

Who would you read a double page spread on?
From the results i got from the focus group, i found out that whoever would be on the front cover of the magazine would like to read a double page spread on. Like the results from the 'font cover' question the females would want to read a double page spread on a women artist and a male audience would read on a male artists that they would be interested in and have been within the new recently. 

What else would you feature/ want in a magazine?
From the focus group people would like to see different concerts advertised and maybe a few competitions in the magazine. This was mainly for the female audience, whereas the male audiences would want to see information on the new and upcoming artists.

What colour house style would you want to see used on and in an R&B magazine?
From the group of people i asked all of them said they wouldn't care what colour the house style was on the magazine, as long as it reflects the artist or the theme of the genre on the artist. A lot of them didnt understand the question and what and 'house style' colour was. 

Would you like to see  a lot of pictures on the front cover?
From the focus group i found out that a lot of people would prefer a main picture on the front cover of a magazine rather than a lot because sometimes its looks too busy and they don't want t buy it.  The would like to see a big picture of one person rather than a collage of a lot pictures. 

How much are you willing to pay for a magazine and why?
 A lot of people from the group i asked wouldn't be willing to pay a lot for a magazine, as some of them said that you can get the information online for free. However if they had to pay a price for a magazine all the results of the prices would be between £1-£4. They all felt it was a reasonable price to pay for a magazine rather than spend a lot of money on something that people don't need. 

Would you like the context to be technical?
From the results that i got from the group of people i asked they all agreed that they wouldn't want the context to be technical within the magazine because they want to read it and fully understand it rather than having technical words that they wouldn't really understand.